hard day...

the day sux...
lol... my head is a hanging bell? u push from the right n the left side of my head hits the walll! isnt that fun? yes it is. no bruises. i enjoyed it? maybe... the tears came out, ... so it was tears of joy ?i'm thought thats fun? perhaps. cruel. violence, or should i say sweet, "gentle" that u treat my head as ur "dear" hanging bell? i wanted to go joggin with shichen, but was stopped. u know y le, dont u shichen? read the front.\ part. yes, it was, tats true. i "enjoyed" it. i dunno what i'll become. the "enjoyment" has only a word to describe : "fantastic". yes, but not 4 me. i endured. but it was gettin from worse to worst. i could bear no more. i protested. n of coz not welcomed. there it was, the tinge of rebellness in me, it'll get bigger probably.
all i know is i'm changing, from someone i know so well 2 someone i perhaps dont recognize n dun wanna recognize n dun wanna be. i want my old self. i'm sure it's still in me. it's weird 2 not know urself that well.
i dunno what'm typin rite now. but thats it, i'm just typin whatever that ran through my brain. the new self developing is cold, so mysterious that i dunno.
i dun understand what i;m typin.
Just help me, someone, help me.
it's terror n horror.
i know n feel that i'm just getting crazier. n weirder. i;m not sure. friends, pls dont drift away from me.
Labels: fall..a trip

i did project wif minghui just now ahahaha
made lots of blunders... be4 we manage 2 time it...
haha we so crazy......
ya... oh? today quite bored, nothing much happened...
we changed seats a few days ago, sittin with charmine...
she quite nice... ok...
weiyu damn crazy,
she just cant stop kickin me under the desk........
??? oh i'm hungry have 2 eat sth or else will starve... bye...=)?
i'm jincheng (duh-.-) and am currently in 209'09:] nygh and i used to be from 6-1'07. saps. and i wish i can go back in time, which is totally impossible.
I simply love eating (most of the time) and i like to play. I love being talkative when i'm allowed to, but i'll be damn quiet if i simply don't feel like talking. I hate homework and projects and stress in a weird way coz thats half my life. Hence, you can also infer that i hate parts of my life.
I hate other things too which you need to know! oh! and new hates come and old hates go -.- This is so irritating.
I don't feel like talking about these surface things anymore,
Anyway, nobody knows me well enough because i don't yet, at least not for now.
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