pls b noted tat sms will not b replied temporarily frm this wed 4 one week coz i'm going overseas:)template is sill not changedcoz i cant make up my mind... hahaANYWAY i shall postgot sth funny 2 tell ... hahamy mum told me thistoday she went 2 the supermarket (i dunno which one la..)then she was queueing up at the cashierthen suddenly somebody screamedddddddddit was the cashier of which mum was queueing atguess wad happened?she was keying in things onto the compn then suddenly...she felt something furry among her fingers... guess wad...it's a green caterpillar...n she jumped right out of her seat hahathen. the cute little thing was still there popping its tiny head up from the keyboard looking around at all the people staring at it...i wish i were there...then i can take a pic of the cute little thing haha (it seems cute 2 me lol)such a cutey caterpillarbut soon it was plucked out and banished into the dustbin i think... lolpoor cute little thing.....haha... nothing much 2 say coz i slacked through the day:) bb.
ohya btw, can someone send me some sort of quiz i can blog n do??hello
yesterday's class outing's a failure!!!!!!! at 1st: 6 gals 1 boy (alicia, me, minghui, sheena, wearnxin, rohini, glenn)
then glenn went home after lunch n bg's mac .
we dumbdumb, know it's raining yet went all the way 2 west coast-.-
then just came back 2 bb n waited 4 ken.
sheena went home.
alicia, me minghui, ken went 2 watch madagascar...
damn short + we missed 1st 15 min of the 1h25min show-.-
others wondered abt in de lib.
in the end : 3g 1 b
total ppl who turned up : 2 boys + 6 gals
= 8 ppl.
got improvement of 2 frm the wed outing i tink
*clapclap..* (fainter n fainter n soft too.)
1/5 of our 6-1. pro.
we must hav a proper class outing tat at least 20ppl (10b 10g) turning up!
wait until minghui come back frm overseas in dec we have 2 have some type of proper bbq at west coast!
i shall do marshmallowing. hope ken'll stop
fighting wif me muahahaha
n guess wad-.-i was editing the template n pastiong things here n there n finally trying 2 make it back 2 its original n... n!!!!!!!..it didnt work well..half of my blog is ruined-.-as u can see the lower half is all WHITE.the image was SUDDENLY removed from photobucket...as in the lower frame-.-damn.now i have a half template appearance-.-BORED.
shall go n find a nice template someday.
howcome it was suddenly removed??-.-
nvm i'll see if i can use standby templates i found last time....
i'm damn unhappy... cant go escape... wtf... actually can go one leh... anyway, it's closed... i dunno why.... i cant go 2 6-1 gathering-.- (anyway issit called class gathering when only 5 out of 40 ppl went?) ... i realised almost all my posts r unhappy or angry-.- ANYWAY, i founf photos 2 post! haha... a few from my hp, some from other ppl's blog hahas:) (Luckily they didnt apply copyright... or.. or.. i'll b fined.. lol)BEFORE

frm left: bernice,(ming's fingers i tink), eunice, my hand+arm, siyao

frm left: qianyi, bernice, me, minghui (3rd levelchangingroom)

pro hair dresser (curler.. haha)

bernice curled her fringe haha cute

left:joyce (the police of my show), ber, joan

from down : JuniorBMW (lol) haha

2 last piece of cheese cake jilaoshi bought 4 us haha (v. yummy!)

ooppss... haaha.. sry, 4got 2 upload fruits pic... haha:)
today's a mango:) haha tmr shall b a
COCONUT!!!!!!!!!!!!(sort of my fav:))
yeah!i just got my darling black rosin!!!!!!!!! muhahahahaha muahahahah!but.... i just .... i... i.......... i
i cant get over the dream....
but the starting was sort of nice, not having any relation with the.. nightmare part...
thenthen........ then...
i dunno why i had such dreams... but believe me, this 's not a normal nightmareof a teenage girl of things like ghosts or pregnancy blahblah.....
but i ... i .... i dunno why....
it's so damn freaking n alive n appear so real ... n it's so different from any dreams i had b4....
towards the end of the dream, when i was still in it,
i remember,
sth just told me it had to b a dream it had to b a dream!
then it told me i'm waking up soon....
then i did...
but i didnt broke out in cold sweat...
i remember my clammy sweaty hands in the dream,
the brownish yellow rope...
i.. it's so clear...
i cant forget.... omg... why am i so bad?
NONO IT'S .. IT'S I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E!!!!!!!!!!!!
i .. realy dunno wad ... wad 2 do?
there's only 2 other dreams which i remember v. clearly (sadly, they're all nightmares...)
1) in my dream, i was sleeping (tats weird...) i had the rustles of bushes outside the windows... a creepy owl slowly landed on the trees (somehow, the trees reached outside my windows... which is on the 8th floor.... weird) it spoke. in a creepy voice, it said " yi1 chua4 shi2, shi2 chua2 bai3, bai3 chua2 qian1, qian1 chua4 wan4...." then somehow it ended...2) in my dream... i was walking by a blk... then i saw a gross thing ... the ants eating up some kind of disgusting insect. somehow, i went near it, or rather it just became nearer 2 me... i woke up.... n broke up in cold sweat... then... i turned my head 2 the side .............. n omg !!!.... they... they were rite in fromt of my eyes... n guessed wads my reaction?... without screaming, i ran all the way 2 my parents' bedroom..... hurhur.... then when they went there wif me, they were gone... but... but... everything looked so damn real... ...
any haha... i shall try to forget tat dream n love mum more than anyone n anthing n more than everything! ... bb....
DO ME A FAVOUR! REMIND ME 2 REGISTER FOR PIANO THEORY EXAM 17/11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THX....HOHO... BB

(strawberries.... muahahaha...shall make ur mouth and mine water... hoho)
i shall either slack or not slack through today muahahahah... i hav already slacked through half the day...... bbb
hope bernice's food poisoning get well le. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb:)
Labels: slacker

nothing much today...
1st.. woke up at 10.30=)
then eat n found a big teshirt of my dad... n went off ...
be4 i can cross the road... i watched sadly as my bus flew off...
n i waited for 8 min... only 8 min!!!!!!!!!!!
u know how long the bus took 2 reac bb??? 5min... only 5 min!!!!!!! miracle sia... nomally 10min leh...
then blahblah... c & d.... wad de freak... hav 2 make my face look dirty 4 the makeup-.-gonna buy some eyeshadow...(Not me. my mum)
then went 2buy sushi!!! coz it was raining, minghui n me decided2 scissorspaperstone(I knoe it's lame.. juz shuddup..) 5 times 2 decide if we shld go,
i was for. ming was against.
i won=)
ming said let's see who win 5 times 1st.
she won-.-
then she said 7 times-.- (wah biiiang...)
she won...(i expected tat-.-)
then i said see got rain or not..
looked like the rain had become much lighter.
so we alighted..... actually still raining.
heckcare. dash through the rain n we got my sushi!!!!!!!!!
then went back...
the big sushi with fish(Ming thought it's chicken) was very nice!!!!!!! esp the mayonnaise=)
wads it called? california or sth? dun remember le...
told my mum. henh she nv scold me=)
Oh ya... i slept from 6 to .30pm today... haha... waste of time... BUT I HOPE 2 GROW FATTER!! 2 ACCEPTABLE SIZE N FATNESS! FATTER! 3 TIMES ENOUGH...! as in not 3 times my size now.. of coz... but i dundunDUN WANT WEIGHT 2 INCRESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i'm not light leh.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh i still owe charmaine her book... how... i still at page40 or 50 sth... only...
hello whoever u r.
if u're free next monday, 10/11, at night
do come 2 nanyang audi from 6.45 to 10pm 4 or chorol n drama night=)
come earlier 2 get better seats... foc=)
p.s... i'm in de last show: 9.45... make sure u dun fall asleep...
haha... need 2 sleep le.. tmr still got cca-.- shall go poolside restaurant again...
cant stand i
ti hope SBS/SMRT ppl will read this postok 1st i hav 2 say it's my fault
while waiting 3 bern with ming, siting on the stool there at bb interchange.
then i accidentally left my wallet behind, wheni reach west mall kfc then i realise...
so i ran back
i saw an old security officer n asked him 4 help
he say he was waiting 4 me 2 take back my wallet.
then i went 2 office 2 reclain my wallet.
i saw my beloved wallet, with every inside of it spilled out.
written on a small piece of paper beside, was $5.25
my mother just gave me 15. today
n they r not there.
my tendolla note n 5 dollar note MISSING!
i spoke 2 tat officer.
he said "5.25 is wad we counted he also witness."
cant b//...
i went out of the office n the old security officer kindly askesd me if de amoun is rite
i shook my head n told him 15 bucks missing
he said he saw that 2 notes too n went vback with me 2 the office=)
i was damn thankful
he muttered sth like... they could not be trusted, tose ppl.. i had knew tat.. in chinese
then throught the officer n his conversatiojn, i learnt that there was a period of time when the wallet was left unguarded IN THE OFFICE BE4 THAT OFFICER COUNTED THE MONEY.
as there were a lot of malay n indian security guards outside the office, that could only mean it's one of them....
i know it's my fault ... my carelessness
but it was beyond my expectation tat those ppl were so dishonest... i cant believe.........
i'm jincheng (duh-.-) and am currently in 209'09:] nygh and i used to be from 6-1'07. saps. and i wish i can go back in time, which is totally impossible.
I simply love eating (most of the time) and i like to play. I love being talkative when i'm allowed to, but i'll be damn quiet if i simply don't feel like talking. I hate homework and projects and stress in a weird way coz thats half my life. Hence, you can also infer that i hate parts of my life.
I hate other things too which you need to know! oh! and new hates come and old hates go -.- This is so irritating.
I don't feel like talking about these surface things anymore,
Anyway, nobody knows me well enough because i don't yet, at least not for now.
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